Monday, February 18, 2008

Implementing Categories for Blogger Categories For Blogger

I just went through this and I did it wrong at first, but my brain cleared and I thought it was an ok process. I made it worse than it had to be, I think, so hopefully you'll find it more straightforward.

Be sure to use the Permalink before you "post to" so that there's only one page (one post) for it to consider, certainly do not use the whole front page as I stupidly did. And don't submit the Edit version of the post!

-- If you want Categories, there is also Technorati.

-- If you have moved to New (Beta) Blogger, they have Labels that are for the same purpose, and they work well.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Leave Your Email At Blogger Help Group?

Your email address won't be published in BHG messages; Blogger will suppress it if you list it the normal way. You should use some spacing or else use tricks like:

ratsouthern AT gmail DOT com

And most experienced Internet users will know what you mean! Blogger won't suppress what it doesn't recognize nor will the spammer be likely to harvest it (which is what Blogger is trying to prevent when it suppresses our emails).



Saturday, February 2, 2008

Recover Password and Username

Blogger's report form, how to get them back!


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